The PEERS project is aimed at advancing and reinforcing the European Union’s operational safety and security policies through the development of a practitioner-driven ecosystem, which is focused around pre-normative / standardisation processes and supporting tools.
We apply a co-creation approach for the delivery of the PEERS ecosystem in order to contribute to the strengthening of preparedness and response in the field of CBRN-E.
The ecosystem is supported by the NO-FEAR delivered Better Practice Guide initiative as well as gamification and e-Learning. The ecosystem primarily targets assisting Europe’s CBRN-E practitioners, European research policy-makers as well as other stakeholders, including both national standardisation bodies and the research community.
The adopted co-creation approach embraces significant engagement with the target communities for effective delivery.
From the beginning of PEERS (i.e., November 2022), the project held a series of Meeting of Minds workshops with the targeted community and, additionally, presented a mock up and, later in the project, both a pre-alpha and alpha version of the main platform, to them.