Join PEERS Co-Creation Group

The one-stop access for Europe's CBRN-E practitioners, research policy-makers, national standardisation bodies and the research community, to deliver a transformational change in the CBRN-E arena through standardisation. Get involved!

The PEERS project is aimed at advancing and reinforcing the European Union’s operational safety and security policies through the development of a practitioner-driven ecosystem, which is focused around pre-normative / standardisation processes and supporting tools.

We apply a co-creation approach for the delivery of the PEERS ecosystem in order to contribute to the strengthening of preparedness and response in the field of CBRN-E.

The ecosystem is supported by the NO-FEAR delivered Better Practice Guide initiative as well as gamification and e-Learning. The ecosystem primarily targets assisting Europe’s CBRN-E practitioners, European research policy-makers as well as other stakeholders, including both national standardisation bodies and the research community.

The adopted co-creation approach embraces significant engagement with the target communities for effective delivery.

From the beginning of PEERS (i.e., November 2022), the project held a series of Meeting of Minds workshops with the targeted community and, additionally, presented a mock up and, later in the project, both a pre-alpha and alpha version of the main platform, to them.

Within this landscape, we used an engagement technique best summarised by the deeds to ‘listen, learnt, observe and act’ on the information provided and the feedback obtained from the target community so that delivery is in line with meeting their needs.

It is hoped that the approach will assist the transformation of how the needs of the targeted CBRN-E experts and policy-makers, in particular, are met for a more effective and sustainable way of operating in the future.

If you are interested, please do firstly request to join our Co-Creation Group by scanning the QR code available in the infographics above or registering at the following link.