PEERS team lands in Strasbourg

PEERS at the CERIS CBRN-E Research & Innovation Day (Strasbourg, 21 March 2024)

On 21st March 2024, the PEERS team were in Strasbourg presenting at the 6th International Conference “CBRN-E Research and Innovation”, where we supported, and helped deliver a panel session on “Interoperability” as part of the European Commission’s CERIS CBRN-E event held as a workshop as part of the main conference.

PEERS is a project endeavouring to re-shape harmonisation of CBRN-E standards across Europe and to give responders access to a summary of standards and guidance on a range of subjects including Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s), decontamination and civil access to NATO standards.

Moderated by Philippe Quevauviller (European Commission – DG Home), the event brought together policy, standards and operational personnel from across the European CBRN-E and Disaster Resilient Society communities, as well as some 20 projects from CSTAC, the CBRN and Standardisation Cluster of projects led by PEERS.

The CERIS event incorporated distinguished experts, into the following panel sessions during the day:

• CBRN Risk and Governance
• Technologies for first and second responders
• Anticipating tomorrow’s crises, preparedness, training and adapting response means
• Interoperability

Many thanks to all the engaging delegates who attended on the day to support the CERIS event. A special thanks also to PEERS team members, David Crouch (TFC Research and Innovation Limited), who presented on “standardisation vs harmonisation” as part of the afternoon “Interoperability” panel session, and to Jon Hall (The Resilience Advisors Network), who acted as overall event rapporteur and moderated the panel session on “Technologies for first and second responders”.