NSAI & PEERS webinar (online, 12 December 2023)

Titled "Enhancing CBRN-E preparedness and response capabilities through standardisation", it will focus on the ongoing work in the area of European CBRN-E research and standardisation

PEERS project is glad to announce its first webinar co-organised with the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)!

On 12 December 2023 (10:00 – 13:00 CET), the NSAI and PEERS will hold a virtual webinar, to present the ongoing work in the area of European research and standardisation in relation to societal and citizen security.

The webinar is a further step for PEERS to implement its co-creation approach, which is the keystone to develop a new way to create new pre-standards/standards, as policymaker and practitioner-driven.

With this webinar, we wish to mainly meet Irish stakeholders (e.g., representatives of the national standardisation body and/or firefighters, emergency medical responders, paramedics, police officers and any other practitioner providing first aid in case of a CBRN-E incident), to obtain valued feedback to enhance the value of our activities to meet practitioners’ needs.

Register here


10:00 Opening, welcome and standards introduction (Noleen Campbell, NSAI)

10:20 CBRN-E, Better Practices and Standardisation – The PEERS Project (Tom Flynn, TFC & Lukasz Porwol, UoG)

11:00 European Standardisation. What is ongoing and known issues (Patricia Compard, French Home Office)

11:30 Tea / Coffee break

11:45 An emerging EU standard: PPE safety and security management. Get involved (Lukáš Moravec, Czech National Standardisation Body)

12:15 Round Table Discussion – Based on CBRN-E and PEERS project (Moderator: Stephen Purcell, KPMG-FA)

12:55 Closure (Noleen Campbell, NSAI)


The NSAI is the National Standardisation Authority of Ireland, which is responsible for developing and publishing standards to meet international demands for the quality, design, performance, safety and environmental impact of products and services. It aims to inspire consumer confidence and protect industry interests through setting standards and issuing certification in the quality and safety of goods and services.