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Project deliverables

Project Coordination and Operational Project Management

WP1 is responsible for the operational management, coordination and technical vitality of the PEERS project encompassing management tasks on contractual, financial, legal, technical, administrative, and ethical levels. The main objective is the establishment of a sound and flexible project management structure and an effective risk management strategy to avoid and react properly to deviations from the work plan. This WP will support the project implementation as well as the sustainability and impact ambitions by structuring, coordinating and external collaboration activities in close alignment with the relevant project management levels.

The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP1. It is to be noted that only public deliverables that have been accepted upon completion of the first project review (i.e., up to October 2023) can be accessed and downloaded. Besides these, there are other sensitive deliverables (i.e., only for members of the Consortium, including the Commission services) that have been accepted after the review process. However, given their dissemination level, only their executive summaries are available for public viewing. A full version can be got via the PEERS Project Officer, Dr. Carmen de Vicente Coll, if desired.

Landscape and Stakeholder Mapping

WP2 aims to define a baseline to provide mapping on the standardisation landscape, as well as on relevant stakeholders, usable solutions, tools, and services by the security stakeholders using the PEERS ecosystem.

The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP2. It is to be noted that only public deliverables that have been accepted upon completion of the first project review (i.e., up to October 2023) can be accessed and downloaded. Besides these, there are other sensitive deliverables (i.e., only for members of the Consortium, including the Commission services) that have been accepted after the review process. However, given their dissemination level, only their executive summaries are available for public viewing. A full version can be got via the PEERS Project Officer, Dr. Carmen de Vicente Coll, if desired.

  • D2.1 – Disaster Resilience and CBRN Standardisation Landscape of Europe (version 1)       Downloadable as public
  • D2.2 – Dataset and its visualization (version 1)        Downloadable as public
  • D2.3 – Technical report on virtual collaboration and stakeholder engagement environment deployment and validation (version 1)       Executive summary downloadable
  • D2.4 – Disaster Resilience and CBRN Standardisation Landscape of Europe (version 2)
  • D2.5 – Dataset and its visualization (version 2)
  • D2.6 – Technical report on virtual collaboration and stakeholder engagement environment deployment and validation (version 2)
  • D2.7 – Technical report on virtual collaboration and stakeholder engagement environment deployment and validation (version 3)

PEERS Co-Creation

WP3 aims to define the means for the delivery of the PEERS ecosystem, which is co-created in close collaboration with the primary targeted community (i.e., Europe’s CBRN-E practitioners, research policy-making as well as other stakeholders including both national standardisation bodies and the research community) with clear foresight for engagement and effective use in their daily business life.

The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP3. It is to be noted that only public deliverables that have been accepted upon completion of the first project review (i.e., up to October 2023) can be accessed and downloaded. Besides these, there are other sensitive deliverables (i.e., only for members of the Consortium, including the Commission services) that have been accepted after the review process. However, given their dissemination level, only their executive summaries are available for public viewing. A full version can be got via the PEERS Project Officer, Dr. Carmen de Vicente Coll, if desired.

  • D3.1 – PEERS ecosystem demonstrator tool (version 1)         Downloadable as public
  • D3.2 – Co-creation ecosystem programme (version 1)        Executive summary downloadable
  • D3.3 – PEERS Beneficiary Guide
  • D3.4 – PEERS ecosystem demonstrator tool (version 2)        Downloadable as public
  • D3.5 – Co-creation ecosystem programme (version 2)
  • D3.6 – Co-creation ecosystem programme (version 3)
  • D3.7 – PEERS Beneficiary Guide (version 2)

PEERS Amalgamation

WP4 aims to deliver the PEERS ecosystem in line with the co-creation approach defined in WP3, providing a transparent and governance mechanism building on from existing platforms to facilitate retrieval, processing and manipulation of collated information and data to support policymakers and practitioners in a way that best works for them, as well as the European Commission for budget pre-programming of pre-normative and co-normative research.

The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP4. It is to be noted that only public deliverables that have been accepted upon completion of the first project review (i.e., up to October 2023) can be accessed and downloaded. Besides these, there are other sensitive deliverables (i.e., only for members of the Consortium, including the Commission services) that have been accepted after the review process. However, given their dissemination level, only their executive summaries are available for public viewing. A full version can be got via the PEERS Project Officer, Dr. Carmen de Vicente Coll, if desired.

  • D4.1 – PEERS Ecosystem Design report
  • D4.2 – Technical report for the Alpha release of the PEERS platform          Executive summary downloadable
  • D4.3 – Technical report for the Beta release of the PEERS platform
  • D4.4 – Technical report for the Gamma release of the PEERS platform
  • D4.5 – PEERS Ecosystem Governance report
  • D4.6 – PEERS Ecosystem Data Population report

User Engagement & Demonstrators

WP5 aims to develop three well-informed Demonstrators, to shape and verify the PEERS ecosystem with a focus on an approach to standardisation beneficial to all stakeholders across subject areas involving natural hazards, CBRN-E and public procurement.

The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP5. It is to be noted that only public deliverables that have been accepted upon completion of the first project review (i.e., up to October 2023) can be accessed and downloaded. Besides these, there are other sensitive deliverables (i.e., only for members of the Consortium, including the Commission services) that have been accepted after the review process. However, given their dissemination level, only their executive summaries are available for public viewing. A full version can be got via the PEERS Project Officer, Dr. Carmen de Vicente Coll, if desired.

Impact and Outreach (Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation)

The objectives of this WP are a) to implement the foresight engagement programme as developed in WP3, in line with meeting the PEERS Co-Creation Group in a way that best optimises the co-creation and agile approach and b) to maximise outreach, including dissemination and communication, to the wider community, in line with meeting the sustainability needs beyond the life of the project. The third objective is c) to establish a standardisation roadmap at international (ISO) and European (EN) levels. This leads to improved coordination activities at EU policy making levels and strengthen knowledge for better cross-fertilisation amongst the Disaster Resilient Societies community on the NO-FEAR better practice approach for pre-standardisation.

The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP6. It is to be noted that only public deliverables that have been accepted upon completion of the first project review (i.e., up to October 2023) can be accessed and downloaded. Besides these, there are other sensitive deliverables (i.e., only for members of the Consortium, including the Commission services) that have been accepted after the review process. However, given their dissemination level, only their executive summaries are available for public viewing. A full version can be got via the PEERS Project Officer, Dr. Carmen de Vicente Coll, if desired.

  • D6.1 – PEERS Communication and Dissemination Plan           Executive summary downloadable
  • D6.2 – PEERS website and social media sites          Downloadable as public
  • D6.3 – White Paper on future standardisation needs
  • D6.4 – Report on the Co-Creation Group’s feedback on PEERS, its activities and ecosystem (version 1)
  • D6.5 – PEERS Better Practice / Standardisation Roadmap
  • D6.6 – PEERS Exploitation Strategy           Executive summary downloadable
  • D6.7 – PEERS Exploitation Strategy (version 2)
  • D6.8 – PEERS Exploitation Strategy (final version)
  • D6.9 – Report on the Co-Creation Group’s feedback on PEERS, its activities and ecosystem (version 2)
  • D6.10 – Report on the Co-Creation Group’s feedback on PEERS, its activities and ecosystem (version 3)