Project Coordination and Operational Project Management
WP1 is responsible for the operational management, coordination and technical vitality of the PEERS project encompassing management tasks on contractual, financial, legal, technical, administrative, and ethical levels. The main objective is the establishment of a sound and flexible project management structure and an effective risk management strategy to avoid and react properly to deviations from the work plan. This WP will support the project implementation as well as the sustainability and impact ambitions by structuring, coordinating and external collaboration activities in close alignment with the relevant project management levels.
The following is the list of Deliverables included in WP1. It is to be noted that only public deliverables that have been accepted upon completion of the first project review (i.e., up to October 2023) can be accessed and downloaded. Besides these, there are other sensitive deliverables (i.e., only for members of the Consortium, including the Commission services) that have been accepted after the review process. However, given their dissemination level, only their executive summaries are available for public viewing. A full version can be got via the PEERS Project Officer, Dr. Carmen de Vicente Coll, if desired.
- D1.1 Data Management Plan Executive summary downloadable
- D1.2 Project Quality & Risk Assessment Plan Executive summary downloadable
- D1.3 Ethical and Legal Protocol and Compliance Assessment