On 25-26 April 2023, PEERS and one of its partners, Székely Family & Co. Non-profit Ltd., co-hosted the Space4Security workshop in Budapest, Hungary, a highly practical hybrid event focused on showing the current development stage of the tools built for reaching PEERS’ goal.
To maximise the intellectual outcome of the workshop, a first day was dedicated to the Hungarian think-tankers, while the next session was open for great minds all around the world.
By holding this event, PEERS consortium got access to the otherwise unreachable input of eventual or potential end-users and professionals, overcoming the language barrier.
Although some attendees – especially the ones that deal with chemical, biological and nuclear instances – were not so familiar and comfortable with the world of standards, they were able to give their two cents regarding how PEERS could be an even more user-friendly, and up-to-date platform for all who need it.